Room 7
Joey’s Blues News….!!!!! Croke Park here we come…!!!
Well done to our school hurling team! Joey’s boys are heading to the final in Croke Park…..!!!! Last week our school hurling team won their semi final against St. Dominic’s from Tallaght on a score of 4 goals and 5 points to 4 points! It was a fantastic match and all the boys tried really hard and played very well. The boys were 3-1 to 0-1 up by half-time although our opposition were very unlucky with some of their attempts. In the second-half the boys continued to push forward but our opponents did make a valiant effort to try and reduce the margin. But it was a solid display by our defence and goalkeeper that allowed our midfield and attackers to see the game out with a comfortable lead. The game was played in Pearse Park in Crumlin.
Thank you Mr. Gillen for organising the buses to and from matches. A big thank you to Fran for keeping our school hurling, gaelic and soccer jerseys and gear in tip top condition so our boys always look their best!
Now we are Croke Park bound, we play Scoil Íosagáin, from Crumlin on Monaday the 20th of June at 1:30pm on the Hill 16 side of the pitch.
It is a great opportunity and honour to play in Croke Park. It will be great fun and a tough test for the boys! All support is welcome on the day!
Our school will all be attending to give the boys the support they deserve!
Trip to the Aviva Stadium
The trip to the Aviva Stadium, where Ireland play their home International Soccer and Rugby Matches. (Unfortunately, we did not get on to the pitch this time).
The boys got a birds-eye view of the pitch and stadium.
Some of the boys trying on the Irish Rugby gear
Press conference centre in the Aviva Stadium, stars such as Lionel Messi sat in these very seats. The boys watched a video and listened to one of our boxing hosts explain the history of the old stadium (Landsdown Road) and how it came to become the Aviva.
The boys got to see some rare memorabilia belonging to some sporting legends such as Pele! Amazing collection!
Olympic Gold Medal Champion Michael Carruth gave the boys a tour of the Irish home dressing rooms. It was a thrilling experience to sit in the dressing rooms just days before the Irish National soccer team were due to play Holland in an international soccer match.
The boys entered the internal warm up area that sporting and music stars like ACDC and Madonna use before going on to the pitch or on stage.
As part of the tour the boys got to sit in the Irish soccer teams home bench, which would have been home to many Irish sporting stars over the past number of years!
To finish off the tour the boys got to spar in one of the training areas on the upper levels with some of their boxing heroes, whom have been very kind and helpful to the Joeys boys! Go raibh míle maith agaibh go léir!
Trip to Glasnevin Cemetery 5th & 6th Classes
The monumental tower that sits on top of Daniel O’Connell’s crypt at Glasnevin Cemetery.
Classes getting ready to enter the crypt, down the stairs we go!
Inside of Daniel O’Connell’s crypt, the children were also able to touch Daniel’s coffin which according to the tour guide is meant to be lucky!
The view from the inside the base of the tower which is over 150 feet in height!
The children at the resting place of Eamon De Velera and his family.
The children at the grave of Michael Collins.
Children after visiting the graveside of Charles Stewart Parnell.
Children on the way to visit the graves of Grace Gifford Plunkett and The O’Rahilly.
Boys posing quietly for a group picture in the Museum before returning to school. The tour guide was very impressed by the behaviour of the boys from Joey’s. Well done boys!
Spar Schools 5 Aside soccer
Joey’s soccer 5 aside squad. Joey’s won their district and finished top against 16 other schools at FAI headquarters at the National Aquatic Centre. The boys then progressed on to the Dublin finals in Irishtown and it was only a single goal which prevented the boys from becoming Dublin champions for 2016. It was a great effort by all the boys, well done!