Parents Association says goodbye to Ms Fitzpatrick
On Wednesday, the Parents Association met with Ms Fitzpatrick to say goodbye and wish her good luck in the future. They presented her with a bouquet of flowers, a handmade flower arrangement, a piece of jewellery and a handmade cards (with a packet of tissues hidden inside). All expressed their gratitude to her and thanked her for the way she had looked after the boys for the past two years.
The Non-Uniform Day on Friday raised 138eours !!!!!! Thanks to all who took part.
Sports Day 2015
Well done to all our sporting boys.
We had a great day.
There was a bit of cheating ( or maybe we have some very tall and mature students )but all in good fun.
Congratulations to all our winners!
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Trip to Aviva & Visit from U21 Man City Player
Sixth class boys got an extensive tour of the Aviva Stadium on Tuesday. Not only did the boys learn about the history and the maintenance of the stadium, they also got to sit in the interviewee seats in the Media Room, experience the players’ changing-rooms and feel what it’s like to sit in the dug out. The trip finished in the boxing area.
On the same day, the boys were lucky enough to get a visit from a former pupil and current under-21 Manchester City player, Jack Byrne. Jack patiently answered all of the boys’ questions and judging by some of them, there are definitely a few journalists in the making! He also posed for some photos. Jack is definitely a role model of how mixing talent with hard work and lots of practice is a recipe for success. We wish Jack all the best for the future and are very grateful to him for taking the time out to visit.
Summer Projects in the Area
The school has been contacted by Hill St Family Resource Centre that they have spaces available on thier summer camps. Details below:
Hill Street Family Resource Centre
Hill Street Playground, Hill Street, Dublin 1 Tel/Fax: 01-874 6810
Email: childdevelopment@hillstreetfrc.ie
Summer camp
6th July-10th July 10am-3pm Children 4 ½ -5 ½ years
Monday – Friday
Day trip to Newbridge farm Day trip to Playzone Day trip national history museum
Sensory play, science activities Music and movement Sports and games
Celebration party
13th July-17th July 10am-3pm Children 3-4 years
(child must have attended a preschool or crèche and used to separation from parent)
Monday – Friday
Day trip to Newbridge farm Day trip to Playzone Music and movement
Day trip playground and teddy bear picnic in park Sports and games
Sensory play, science activities Celebration party
Cost €25 per child for one week
Registration Wednesday 24th June 9am-1pm OR 2pm-4pm