Book Exchange
NEW! KIDS BOOK EXCHANGE FOR 6-10 YRS: June 25, 4:30pm
“Do you have old books sitting around?” (still in ok condition)
ShaRE Reading in association with the Ballybough Community Centre are hosting a monthly book exchange. Just pop along on Thursday June 25th from 4.30pm to 6pm here in the lobby and take part in a book exchange.
All Children must be accompanied by a parent.
There will also be some books for sale for €2 each.
If you have any questions please call Treacy Byrne: Centre Manager 222-8587.
SHaRE’s mission is to help all kids read.
For more information: www.sharedreading.ie
Dublin Castle
The 2 fifth classes headed to Dublin Castle today. Tomás our guide brought us to state apartments and then underground to the medieval remains of the castle.Not the beautiful sunny day we were promised but we had a lovely lunch in the castle garden.
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St. Patrick’s Cathedral
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Room 6 had a busy day on June 10th . They went on a visit to St. Patrick’s Cathedral where they saw the door which started the phrase” to chance your arm” and then were very busy making a Roman Arch, calligraphy and doing brass rubbings. Thanks to our Guide Ciara for a lovely morning