Archive for January 2014

Christmas Thank Yous

Welcome back everybody and a Happy New Year to all. I just wanted to say a really big THANK YOU to everybody who made a contribution to the collection for the women’s refuge this year. It was the best collection in the past eight years. As promised, everyone who made a donation no matter how big or how small received a raffle ticket. On the day of the holidays, we had the raffle draw for the hamper which was a ‘thank you gift’. The lucky winner of the hamper was Callum from Room 9, congratulations. As so many people donated so much stuff this year, we decided to have some smaller ‘thank you gifts’. So a big congratulations to Declan (Room 6),   Evan  (Room 7) and Ben (Room 12) who won a tin of sweets each. Another congratulations to Benedict (Room 12) , Thomas (Room 9) and Dylan (Room 13) who won a selection box each.  Unfortunately, we didn’t get a photo of the boys as everyone was rushing of on their holidays that day but I’m sure everyone enjoyed their ‘thank you gifts’.