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Hill Street Family Resource Centre’s Chinese New Year Community Celebration
Hill Street Family Resource Centre’s Chinese New Year Community Celebration
Hill Street Family Resource Centre, in collaboration with our Chinese Families, would like to invite you to celebrate Chinese New Year in our Centre on Hill Street, Dublin 1,on Saturday 13th February from 11.00-14.00. This is a family event, and all are welcome! Come along and sample Chinese festive foods, enjoy music performances, participate in Art and Craft activities such as monkey mask, kite, lantern and red envelope (Huan Bao) making; learn about Chinese fruits and vegetables, Herbal Medicine, Feng Shui and what your Chinese zodiac sign is.
Please let others know about the event.
Best wishes,
Eileen Smith
Project Manager
Hill Street FRC
Dublin 1
Phone: (01) 874 6810
FREE Tea and Coffee Afternoon
Tea and Coffee Afternoon
Every Monday and Friday: 12.30-2.30 pm
Parent’s Room: St Joseph’s Primary School
ALL Welcome, Come One and All and Bring Others Along Too
Tea / Coffee / Cakes / Games / New Friends
Time enough to Come early to meet new people and still be able to collect your kids from school or come later and go home with your kids
For more information contact Andrew Guider (HSCL) 0851517111