Archive for May 2016
Room 6 – 1st walking tour
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Room 6 headed off on their first walking tour to The National Museum in Kildare Street. We had our lunch in Stephen’s Green and on our way home examined the bullet holes in the statue of Daniel O’Connell.
Communities Standing Together
Communities Standing Together Peaceful Procession to the Monument Buckingham Street
Tuesday 17th of May
Meeting Points at 7.00pm:
St Agatha’s Church, William Street
St Laurence O’Toole’s, Seville Place
Our Lady of Lourdes, Sean MacDermott St
St Mary’s Church, East Wall
The procession is a symbol of community solidarity rejecting violence. This is organised by the whole community within the four local parishes and we are asking for everyone to come out in support.
Trip to Glasnevin Cemetery 5th & 6th Classes
The monumental tower that sits on top of Daniel O’Connell’s crypt at Glasnevin Cemetery.
Classes getting ready to enter the crypt, down the stairs we go!
Inside of Daniel O’Connell’s crypt, the children were also able to touch Daniel’s coffin which according to the tour guide is meant to be lucky!
The view from the inside the base of the tower which is over 150 feet in height!
The children at the resting place of Eamon De Velera and his family.
The children at the grave of Michael Collins.
Children after visiting the graveside of Charles Stewart Parnell.
Children on the way to visit the graves of Grace Gifford Plunkett and The O’Rahilly.
Boys posing quietly for a group picture in the Museum before returning to school. The tour guide was very impressed by the behaviour of the boys from Joey’s. Well done boys!
Spar Schools 5 Aside soccer
Joey’s soccer 5 aside squad. Joey’s won their district and finished top against 16 other schools at FAI headquarters at the National Aquatic Centre. The boys then progressed on to the Dublin finals in Irishtown and it was only a single goal which prevented the boys from becoming Dublin champions for 2016. It was a great effort by all the boys, well done!