Archive for January 2016
Super Busy January in 2nd Class!
It has been a busy month in 2nd class. The boys have enjoyed lessons about Hans Christian Andersen, the Story of Chocolate and did some ‘freezing’ experiments. They enjoyed stories about Elmer the Patchwork Elephant, went to investigate the trees in Fairview Park, had a fire safety talk from local firemen and enjoyed the pantomime, Cinderella. In art and crafts they made swans, elephants and St. Brigid’d cloaks. Also, lo
vely melodies can be heard from Room 9 as the boys practise their tin whistle! The boys brought in some really interesting items for Bring and Show and brought in their favourite teddies. Before heading home on friday we had ‘Chocolate Tasting Time’ with milk chocolate a clear winner-yum!!!
We remember our local heroes of 1916
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jQuery(function($) { new NggPaginatedGallery('11668', '.ngg-imagebrowser'); }); The President of the past pupils union of St. Joseph’s Secondary school, Sean O’Connell organised for the local schools to remember the past pupils who fought in 1916.
St. Joseph’s Primary and the Secondary schools were represented as well as O’Connell’s, Westland Row, Brunswick Street, Belvedere and Synge Street.
Joe Duffy author and broadcaster spoke about some of the children who feature in his book ” Children of 1916″. Gene Kerrigan spoke about his book “The Scrap “, the true story about F Company 2nd Batallion of the Irish Volunteers based in Fairview during 1916. Noel O’ Grady entertained us with songs from the era of 1916 and Audrey Dunphy entertained us with poems and songs.Mr. Tim Quinlan from St. Joseph’s Secondary School was the MC for the day and kept everything running smoothly and a pupil from each of the schools read out the list of names of pupils from their school that fought in 1916.
Thanks to all who took part and made 1916 a more personal story.
Book Launch – One book One Community
Children met with other schools for the launch of the One Book-One Community project, were Joey’s 6th class and schools in close proximity to Joey’s all read the same novel. The Novel chosen was called “Trash” and different assignments and competitions were organised. These included, designing a bookmark, an alternative cover and taking part in an inter schools quiz on the novel.
FREE CLASSES FOR ADULTS – Lourdes Youth and Community Services
Dear Parents / Guardians / Friends / Grandparents,
HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all from Joeys and I hope it’s a good year for you too.
As News never ends and it’s 2016, here are a few more notes about what’s going on in your area.
Lourdes Youth and Community Services, Rutland Street, Dublin 1: 01-8363416 /
FREE Classes for Adults
– Monday 11.00-1.00
-practical word processing, internet and e-mail
– Leading to QQI/Fetac Level 4 module award in Information Technology Skills
– Monday 10.30-12.30
– learn techniques in painting, drawing, lino-cutting
– Tuesday 11.45-1.45
– discover how to express yourself, build your self-confidence and tap into your creative side
– Tuesday 10.30-12.30
– learn, share and improve skills in sewing by hand and machine
– Wednesday 10.30-12.30
– learn to create pottery at your own pace
– Wednesday 10.30-12.30
– join a friendly group and learn or share skills in knitting and crochet
English for Speakers of Other Languages
– Thursday 7.00-9.00
– Friday 9.30-12.30
– learn to make tasty, healthy food
If you have any questions or queries please contact the above number or me on 0851517111 (Andrew Guider – HSCL)