Archive for October 2015

Flag Presentation Cermony

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This Morning 2 members of the Irish Army, Sergeant Gallagher and Corporal Charters presented the school with our Irish Flag for the centenary of the 1916 celebrations which will be celebrated next year.

Sergeant Gallagher read out the Proclamation helped by Daniel from our students council and then Corporal Charters explained what the colours on the flag represent.

Finally the flag was presented to Sean from the students council.


Well done to the students council and to all who helped prepare the boys for the ceremony.

Is the empty jar really empty?!

2nd class know the answer to this question after completing a science experiment. The boys discovered that no, the glass is not really empty but full of air that takes up space. The boys had a busy few weeks using hundred squares to help with maths, writing recounts about trips in the area, playing Bingo as Gaeilge, DEAR Time (Drop Everything and Read), a trip to the library and great fun was had by all in drama with the boys performing their circus acts through mime. And if you are in Room 9 watch out for the 18 scary spiders that crawled in during art last Friday!

Our new 2nd Class Boys

It has been a busy month for the new boys in 2nd Class. They started the school year by eating ice-cream in the sun!!! But since then there has been lots of hard work and learning. The boys have enjoyed painting lessons, carrying out a litter survey, doing science experiments, listening to Irish myths and legends, games in P.E, kick-boxing, trips to the library and lots more! With the best attendance record for the month of September the boys were rewarded with a trip to the park and a brand new Joeys school bag!! Well done boys and keep up the hard work!