Archive for March 2015
The Easter Bunny is on the way!!!!!!!!!
We are having an Easter Raffle to raise funds for the repair of the roof in the school hall. Raffle tickets are on sale all of this week and the raffle will take place Friday, March 27th. There will first of all be a raffle for each class and the prize is a Football shaped Easter egg. Then everybody who bought a raffle ticket will be entered into the big draw.
First prize is a very large hamper
second prize is a large hamper
and third prize is a football shaped Easter egg.
Tickets are available everyday this week : 2euro each or three for 5 euro.
Parents have been very supportive for the pervious fundraisers and I’m sure you’ll agree, the prizes are worth winning!!! Best of luck to everyone!!!
Closing Ceremony One Book, One Community
The closing ceremony for The Blue Horse took place in O Connell’s Primary School. The ceremony began with pupils from eleven primary schools in the area all gathered in the yard to see the gardai mounted on their horses. The gardai told them about the horses. Not only were the children allowed to ask questions but they also got a chance to rub both horses. Onwards to the hall where the Home School Liaision Officer Ms. Collins brought children from different schools up to speak about the book, presented prizes for the best book review, gave a souvenir poster to every teacher, held a raffle, spoke about the One Book, One Community project and the importance of reading. Everyone was delighted that the author of The Blue Horse, Marita Conlon McKenna was able to return to the closing ceremony. She shared her insights on the book and said that some day she hopes to getting around to writing a sequel to the Blue Horse. A great time was had by all.
Seachtain na Gaeilge Assembly
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Dancing and La Glas
Irish dancing continued with the boys in rooms 9A and 14 showing off their skills. There was lots of green, some white and orange included in the clothes for non uniform day. Some of the boys made a really big effort. So far we raised 166 euro . Many thanks to those who brought in their 2 euro. All proceeds go to the repairs going on in the school