Archive for November 2014
Last Art Day for Room 7
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The boys in Room 7 had their last Art lesson in Marino Institute of Education yesterday. Clodagh had help from The Fighting Words crew to add a new dimension to our self portrait theme. Thanks to Clodagh for an amazing experience which Ms. O’Brien, Will and all the boys thoroughly enjoyed.
Ms Stewart told everybody at assembly to wear their uniforms on the corrects days .
November is the month of the Holy souls. Ms Collins made stars and passed them around so boys can remember anyone who died. Their names are displayed on the noticeboard in the the hall.
Mr Crummy is starting up hurling again after Christmas and Mr Crotty will be doing soccer after Christmas.
When gaelic started, everybody wanted to be on the team. I hope i’ts the same with the soccer team
Bonus News
Well done to Ms Bates and Ms Starretts boys who won the best attendance.
Wear your uniform on the right days!
The garden is closed due to wet weather.
We all hope that Ms Fitzpatrick gets well soon.
Our students council is up and running.
Interview with Ms. Collins
Ms. Collins is our Home School Liaison Officer. She works really hard between here and the secondary school. This is an interview we did with her:
How long are you Home School Liaison Officer? Six and a half years.
We asked Ms. Collins how long she was working in Joeys and she said: Fifteen years.
What year was the the most exciting in Joeys? E.very year is exciting in Joeys
How many different rooms have you had as H.S.L .O.? I was in Fanno’s office and in Ms. Goodwin’s room.
What was it like to share a room with Fanno? It was exciting ,busy and fun when he was in good form. It was not so good when he was giving out to the kids!
What has changed in the last fifteen years since you’ve been here? Over the past fifteen years, there have been many changes in Joey’s. Mr. Guider’s room and Ms. Walsh’s room was the original staff room. When I started, there were only six other teachers. Now there are nearly thirty on staff. Fanno was a teaching Principal. Room 10 was a cloak room. There was no garden at all. The staff room now and room 9A weren’t even built. There were no bicycle racks. There was no net in the yard. All the windows in the whole school were old and the stage had horrible, brown velvet curtains!
As you can see lots of changes have taken place in Joey’s since then.
Watch this space for more Joey’s news!
From the Blues News Team
New Pupils of the week – New Trophies.
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Congratulations to our latest group of pupils of the week.We had to wait until today to get our new trophies.
Well done boys!
More Art Lessons for Room 6
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Fifth class are continuing their Art Classes in Marino Institute of Education.
Check our their pictures.
Talented artists of the future maybe!